The Pearl (Jennifer)
So you make rules to break them, right? I am posting so soon to share a few photos I forgot to add. Much of the work we did over the last 2 months is evident in Kluane's warm, comfy cabin and safety features inside and out. I won't get into all the things we did to keep safe and be comfy, but here are a few I consider very important.
Fair Winds,
The Pearl

Captain Cliff re-rigged Kluane at the slip in the Marina.
The rigging is all the stainless wire and attachments that keep the mast up.

Here is the inside of the killer winch, greased and ready to let genoa in an out.
Yves are you smiling?

The rigging is all the stainless wire and attachments that keep the mast up.

Yves are you smiling?