It is cliche to say time flies, but it sure does! It's been 16 months since my last blog entry. I've decided to take a little pressure off myself and pick up a practice of a fellow cruiser -- you can expect one blog entry a month. As Internet allows I will post photos, so you are able to "see" our adventures!
So there is no time like the present to get started. September started with a huge event for WRW, Bike MS and we raised over $75,000 as a team. No typo, we are awesome!
We then headed to Florida with Airstream in tow.
A very wise Captain made the decision to buy a last minute GPS. Yes, it was a very wise decision. Nora Never Lost earned her keep and kept us sane and happy on unfamiliar roads. Captain charted the course and we had lovely parks to stay at along the way. Along the way we saw the Oklahoma Memorial, acres of wind generators, Cadillac Ranch, Martin Luther King Jrs home, stayed on the Mississippi and toured Elvis' home.
Then we arrived to the BEST RV Park ever.
Hands down.
We are ruined.
Welcome to Fort Wilderness.
And we played like kids for days!
Looking back at this picture, I giggle. Look at my hat, look at Minnie's.
My hero, Mary Poppins.
A spoon full of sugar, helps the medicine go down.
Disney was amazing.
It exceeded all my expectations.
Much to do, much to see.
Dare to dream!
Love Bugs.
What happens when you take the toll road through the swampy middle of Florida.
The real deal.
Captain Phillips lifeboat.
Bullet holes.
Fort Pierce, Fl
For the mariners out there, new zinc on Kluane.
This one is a big deal, long story!
No more cluck, clunck.
As my 30's come to a close, I can't believe how quickly time passes. I can't wait for what the next decade brings. See you in October!