The Pearl (Jennifer)
Wardwick Wells North Mooring Field turned out to be one of our favorite spots in the Exumas. Jennifer, Andrew and Henry were so welcoming, helpful and kind- Thank YOU!
We would leave Wardwick and somehow would find our way back. Kluane and her Captain move with the wind. So you will see our time in the Exumas involved a lot of back and forth- we ended up in Wardwick three times, Staniel Cay area three times and Black Point on Great Guana Cay twice. This strategy gave us ample time to really get to know a place, the people and time to sail!
Did you ever take a photo of a landscape- a tall majestic mountain or a beautiful, stunning sunset and then look at the photo later and feel it isn't quite what you saw? Much of what we are seeing in the Bahamas is amazing- the wildlife, the water, the people, the boats, the sunsets.... I hope to be giving you a small glimpse of the amazing country we are exploring!
Enjoy more of the Exumas!
The Pearl
There are rays everywhere here! |
One of my favorite views! |
Ok, this view isn't so bad either (he, he). Buccaneer, er Captain, is pulling the dinghy! |
The amazing thing about Wardwick Wells North Mooring Field is you can get your 5' draft sailboat into a place that has water just below your waist in places. In this photo, you can see the different colors of the water. Reading the water is very important in sailing in the Bahamas- the dark water is typically deeper, the lighter water shallower, the clear water is sand- very shallow and black oil slicks (Thanks Tonya) are coral heads- avoid these at all costs! |
Couldn't resist! |
Longest book I have ever read. All in all a great read, Scarlett was a handful! On second thought Rhett was too! |
Kluane at Wardwick Wells during low tide. Check out the left of the photo- the sandbar is exposed.
A typical anchorage (Big Majors outside of Staniel Cay, Exumas)